Friday, November 8, 2019

Tansy, Belladonna, Purple Hyacinth

Three of my stories that are interconnected, "Tansy," "Belladonna," and "Purple Hyacinth" were published in Horror Tree's Unholy Trinity. The link is below.

Tansy, Belladonna, Purple Hyacinth

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Trembling With Fear: Year 1 and Year 2 Anthologies

Hello! Two of my stories, "New Sight" and "Breaking Point" have been published in the anthology Trembling With Fear: Year 2. It's available for purchase on Amazon in the US and the UK in paperback or kindle.

Trembling With Fear: Year 2

The previous anthology that also has two of my stories, "The Very Best" and "Picture Perfect" is Trembling With Fear: Year 1 and also available on Amazon.

Trembling With Fear: Year 1

Thank you!

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Birthday Baby

Hello! Another 100 word story of mine has been published in Horror Tree's Trembling With Fear. It's called "Birthday Baby." Please check it out.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Breaking Point

Hello! I have a new story that was published at Horror Tree called "Breaking Point" on 12-30-18.

Two of my stories that were previously published on Horror Tree have also been published as part of the anthology 'Trembling With Fear: Year One' which is available for purchase on Amazon in paperback and e-book. If anyone is interested.